Veterinary SEO Resources
Where to Get More Information on Veterinary Website Search Engine Optimization

The veterinary seo marketing staff at Top Dog Rankings keeps on top of existing and emerging techniques required to successfully market and optimize your veterinary hospital website. To learn more about search engine optimization and how to make sure new clients find your website, consult the following links.
Google Resources
Google Webmaster Guidelines - Google has established a strict set of guidelines for the indexing and ranking of websites. Adhering to the guidelines can help Google's spiders find, index and rank your site. However, ignoring the guidelines - or violating Google's Quality Guidelines - can damage your ranking and, in some cases, cause your site to be removed from the Google index.
Google AdWords - AdWords is Google's pay-per-click advertising service. You create the ad and choose the keywords (words or phrases related to your business). Your ad then appears next to Google's search results when users search for the keywords you selected. You are charged a small fee each time someone clicks on your ad.
Google Analytics - This Google feature helps you identify the keywords and referrals that bring new clients to your website and compiles statistics on who is looking at your website. This data is useful in refining your keywords and determining how long visitors stay on your site and what they are looking for.
Yahoo! and Other Search Engines
Yahoo! Site Submission Guidelines - A list of guidelines and procedures for submitting web sites to Yahoo! Though Google dominates the search engine field, Yahoo! remains a major player and a high ranking on Yahoo! is important.
The Open Directory Project - Many search engines, including Google, draw results from the Open Directory project, the largest, most comprehensive human-edited directory of the web. Submitting your site to the Open Directory is a good way to increase your veterinary hospital's search engine rankings.
Marketing & SEO Resources
Robots.txt - An overview of the /robots.txt file, which gives instructions to search engine robots about how to view your website.
Search Engine Watch - The latest news about the search engine industry, marketing tips and more.
Search Engine Guide - A guide to search engine marketing and SEO, written especially for small business owners.
Marketing Today - When it comes to marketing your veterinary business, SEO is more important than ever. Marketing Today offers the latest internet marketing news and resources.
Inc. Magazine - An article from Inc. Magazine about how SEO is vital to success on the web.